3 Day Wellness Business Planning

3 Day Wellness Business Planning

A World First bringing Spirituality and Business Together.


Your Ultimate Wellness Business Guide is all about YOU,  aligning with your business purpose and impact, actionable steps the whole way to support you to reconnect with yourself, release what no longer serves you, and start manifesting your true potential through your business by planning. 
In this Wellness Planning Workbook Pack, Kelly Kingston, founder of happy and well, has created a first of it’s kind in the world in this pack you will receive 1 x Wellness Planning Workbook, 1 x Chakra Blend Essential Oil and 13 Audio Mantra to support you getting out of your head and into your heart, so you can create the heart based business you have longed for. 
You will be guides through each chapter with examples the whole way, so you do not have to reinvent the wheel. At the end of this process you will have a very professional defined business plan with cashflow projections and budget 🌟 What more can you ask for…
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This business planning workbook (that I have written for you) has been separated into spiritual definitions so that if you do not understand the business meaning then you will understand the spiritual meaning for the structure of your business. We want to know everything there is to know about business, but sometimes we feel like Business is written in another language, bringing Spirituality and Business together has given so many people the opportunity to understand what business is all about with the clarity you need to step forward and up to the next level of vibration with your business. 

The words that are written next in Your Ultimate Wellness Business Guide supports you in the understanding of how to create a solid foundation for you and your business to vibrate at the same frequency through the chakra system, this has never been done before and all the people that have experienced this process have shared how it has changed their lives and the co-creation of owning their business fully.

My workbook is an interactive business planning guide that brings your purpose, passion and business together guided by 13 mantras for 13 business chapters supported by 13 chakra descriptions to guide you on your business journey bringing Spirituality and Business Together. A World’s First, my workbook will launch you to create that dream business you have always wanted. Creating heartfelt businesses that support our mission, vision and values here today. The Wellness Business Academy has a goal to support and guide wellness business owners all over the world to create and have a successful business by creating a 1 year spiritual business plan with cashflow financials. This is a 1 on 1 experience where Kelly supports you every step of the way. Once you have completed this alignment process your business will thank you for it.

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What Frequency is Your Business Vibrating At?
icon Wellness Business Planning
A World First of it's kind bringing Wellness and Business Together
icon Sacred Geometry
Calling in Your Life Purpose
icon 13 Chakras
Align You with Your Business
icon Hertz Frequency's
Raising Your Vibration
When you can truly love yourself and feel like you are not in competition with anyone and embrace collabor-tition then it's time to truly step into your business.

-Kelly Kingston, founder of happy and well®

What is
Your Ultimate Wellness Business Guide?

Your Ultimate Wellness Business Guide is a world first of it’s kind never seen before in the world and we are excited to introduce this amazing wellness workbook to you from happy and well Academy. Step by Step business process which Kelly Kingston, founder of happy and well®, would have wanted years and years ago for supporting her business planning journey.

This workbook is an interactive business planning guide that brings your purpose, passion and business together guided by 13 mantras for 13 business chapters supported by 13 chakra descriptions to guide you on your business journey bringing Spirituality and Business Together. A World’s First, my workbook will launch you to create that dream business you have always wanted. Creating heartfelt businesses that support our mission, vision and values here today. The Wellness Business Academy has a goal to support and guide wellness business owners all over the world to create and have a successful business by creating a 1 year spiritual business plan with cashflow financials.

The 13 Chapters to a Stronger Business…

Transition businesses from 3D to 5D, heart-centred businesses – this is the future of business.

Everything is energy, and when you match the frequency of the reality you want, you can get nothing less. But, to create the reality you want, your personal vibe needs to connect with your business vibe. We can start moving towards this goal by getting all your business ground work completed, to create a solid foundation. Then through the 13 Chakra systems, the 13 Business planning systems, and guided by 13 Meditation Mantras – all housed in this book – we can create the frequency for that reality you want; for your personal and business life.

Fall in Love with Yourself
Ignite Your New Life

on a Foundation of Abundance

Testimonial Video
The Key to Happiness is Connecting back in with self.

-Kelly Kingston, founder of happy and well®



We at happy and well® strongly believe all answers lie within!

However, you’re also welcome to email our team at question@happyandwell.today
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SELF empower SELF esteem SELF love SELF care SELF worth SELF support
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