This business planning workbook (that I have written for you) has been separated into spiritual definitions so that if you do not understand the business meaning then you will understand the spiritual meaning for the structure of your business. We want to know everything there is to know about business, but sometimes we feel like Business is written in another language, bringing Spirituality and Business together has given so many people the opportunity to understand what business is all about with the clarity you need to step forward and up to the next level of vibration with your business.
The words that are written next in Your Ultimate Wellness Business Guide supports you in the understanding of how to create a solid foundation for you and your business to vibrate at the same frequency through the chakra system, this has never been done before and all the people that have experienced this process have shared how it has changed their lives and the co-creation of owning their business fully.
My workbook is an interactive business planning guide that brings your purpose, passion and business together guided by 13 mantras for 13 business chapters supported by 13 chakra descriptions to guide you on your business journey bringing Spirituality and Business Together. A World’s First, my workbook will launch you to create that dream business you have always wanted. Creating heartfelt businesses that support our mission, vision and values here today. The Wellness Business Academy has a goal to support and guide wellness business owners all over the world to create and have a successful business by creating a 1 year spiritual business plan with cashflow financials. This is a 1 on 1 experience where Kelly supports you every step of the way. Once you have completed this alignment process your business will thank you for it.