find your happy place from within


For Leaders wanting more,
from their life.

From Outer Success to Inner Success… More Leaders are stepping out of the harsh, unloving corporate world and into a new, more natural life that nurtures and heals them. The beautiful thing is this: you, and only you, get to choose this new life.

Your upskilled and scaled life is yours for the taking. Remember, you need to feel to heal. ❤️


Start Right Now


For us, creating a renewed life is more than just attending a retreat, a workshop, or a bootcamp.
It’s time to become your own inner self-healing guru. Going on retreats is great, but you need to do more if you truly desire to have the happiest life possible; you need to reclaim your life and own it 100% this is where The Cycle comes into your life
Take back full responsibility for everything in your life with The Cycle. The retreat that goes anywhere you go, for any cycle of your life, to support making any change that you feel you need to make in your life …

We’re proud of the processes we have created for you, to help you take the actions needed to implement new, healthy and sustainable patterns for your renewed life. Your renewed life is waiting for you to step into it.

This is For Me

Is Your


We care so much about supporting your inner-self healing journey on a day-to-day basis, but we can’t do it for you. We know that it can be challenging to make progress on this journey. Too often, we find ourselves seeking external advice to get us ‘unstuck’ from our current life. All along, your answer was looking back at you every time you looked in the mirror.

Your life can only be happier when you choose to be happy and settle for nothing less. So, if you accept our challenge, we dare you to become the best version of yourself. When you look in the mirror, you will see and feel unconditional love for yourself and everyone around you.

I'm Ready

Created by a woman who wouldn’t settle for anything less than a happy and well® life that she loved

When I was sick and tired of living the life that I no longer wanted to put up with, I turned to every single natural therapy and therapist I could find. Some of the therapists were amazing and some not so amazing. I tried everything from taking a pill, to changing my job, and even going on a few retreats. But, on this journey I still had more questions than answers – and that really frustrated the crap out of me.

I founded happy and well® with the belief that happy lives begin with healthy choices. When you start your journey with us, you will have the opportunity to get to know yourself, get out of your own way and love who you truly are unquestionably. Some might call this unconventional, I like to call it Kick-Ass.

I have been globally recognised in business with 3 separate awards, Female Executive of the Year 2017, Business Woman of the Year 2017 and Organisation of the Year 2017, presented to me in New York City at the Stevie International Business Woman’s Awards. I am an Energy Frequency Therapist, an Inspirational Speaker, a Documentary Film Producer, a Transformational International Business Specialist, delivering individual and group sessions, tailored programs and education to Early Learning Centres around the world.

Creating your happy and well life today

Kelly x


I Choose Me

We invite
you to
start the
cycle of
life’s journey…

If you ever feel overwhelmed and wondering “how can I go deeper on my inner self-healing journey?”, we offer this simple process 1 day, 1 card, 1 word, 1% for 42 days –  THE CYCLEChange Your Current Life Experience. Let’s go shopping now

The “perfect” time to get started is NOW. You have two choices you can go shopping and get your Retreat in a Box the perfect gift you can give yourself or you can click on discover more for our Free E-Zine: The Cycle E-Magazine, a beautiful reminder of not giving your power away to anyone.

The choice is yours

The Cycle - Free E-Magazine
The Cycle - Free E-Magazine
You may think you’re stuck, but you’re really just committed to certain patterns of behaviour because they helped you in the past. Now those behaviours have become more harmful than helpful. The reason why you can’t move forward is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life. Change the formula to get a different result.
Discover more
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

We leave no one behind
we all need a  
helping hand…

I Want To Start Now
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    SELF empower SELF esteem SELF love SELF care SELF worth SELF support
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